Management professor earns campus teaching excellence award Sep 12, 2018
Seven faculty and four staff members at Appalachian State University were honored for excellence at the Fall Semester Faculty and Staff Meeting...
Faculty, Dept - MGT, Front PageWalker College faculty among top 100 human resource management researchers Aug 10, 2018
According to the authors of a new study forthcoming in Academy of Management...
Faculty, Dept - MGT, Research, Front PageDr. Rachel Shinnar named assistant department chair of management Aug 1, 2018
Dr. Rachel Shinnar has been named assistant chair of the Department of Management in the Walker...
Faculty, Dept - MGTMaking students environment-conscious Jul 22, 2018
An article from Dr. Rajat Panwar, associate professor of sustainable business management in the Walker College of Business at Appalachian State...
Faculty, Dept - MGT, Sustainable BusinessSywassink Awards conferred to 7 faculty and staff members in Appalachian’s Walker College of Business Jul 17, 2018
BOONE, N.C. — Four Appalachian State University faculty members and one staff member in the Walker...
Faculty, Front Page, Dept - CIS, Dept - ECON, Dept - FIN, Dept - MGT, Dept - MKT SCM, Centers - Brantley Risk and Insurance, Front Page, StaffKowalczyk and Panwar named co-directors of sustainable business for Walker College of Business Jul 1, 2018
Dr. Tammy Kowalczyk and Dr. Rajat Panwar have been named co-directors of sustainable business for the Walker College of Business...
Faculty, Dept - MGT, Dept - ACC, Walker College News, Sustainable BusinessHeather Dixon-Fowler named acting chair in the Department of Management Jun 5, 2018
Heather Dixon-Fowler has been named acting...
Faculty, Dept - MGT, Walker College News, Front PageWalker College staff members earn "shout out" for service Jun 4, 2018
Members of the Walker College of Business staff have earned a Staff Senate Staff Shout Out for exemplary service in their work during the second...
International, Staff, Dept - MGTEight earn professorships in Walker College of Business May 24, 2018
About the Awards Faculty, Front Page, Research, Walker College News, Dept - ACC, Centers - CERPA, Dept - CIS, Dept - ECON, Dept - MGT, Dept - MKT SCM, ProfessorshipsBenjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Awardees Announced May 1, 2018
Nationally Competitive Scholarships at Appalachian State University recently announced that three students have been awarded the Benjamin A....
Students, Dept - MGT, International