Dr. Rajat Panwar, a professor of sustainable business, has earned the 2020-21 Green E Award at Appalachian State University.
The Green E Award recognizes individuals for outstanding accomplishments in the area of sustainable business at Appalachian. The "E" stands for Economy, Environment, and Equity. The award is presented annually by the Walker College of Business and its Holshouser Ethics program. View past recipients at business.appstate.edu/b4g.
Dr. Panwar was honored for his work in sustainable business, including having brought to Appalachian internationally recognized activist Kailash Satyarthi and President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Jeffrey Sachs and for having served as lead editor of four sustainability-focused special issues (on post-pandemic value-chains, advancing the circular economy, deforestation and global value chains, and managing transparency). Dr. Panwar's research has been mentioned in Forbes, the Guardian, Greenbiz, and by NPR.
Holshouser Ethics Chair Jim Westerman presented the award virtually during an Earth Day (April 22) panel discussion, Beyond Zero. The event was one of several virtual Business for Good events during the academic year.
Green E Awardees receive a glass trophy and (beginning 2020-21) a monetary award of $1,000.
About the Walker College of Business
The Walker College of Business at Appalachian State University delivers transformational educational experiences that prepare and inspire students to be ethical, innovative and engaged business leaders who positively impact our community, both locally and globally. The college places emphasis on international experiences, sustainable business practices, entrepreneurial programs and real-world applications with industry. Enrolling approximately 3,000 undergraduates in 10 majors and 175 graduate students in three master's programs, the Walker College is accredited by AACSB International – the premier global accrediting body for schools of business. Learn more at https://business.appstate.edu.
About Sustainable Business at Appalachian
Appalachian’s Walker College of Business is committed to advancing sustainable business practices that promote responsible management of economic, social and natural resources. The theory and practice of sustainable business recognizes that the economy, environment and society (the triple bottom line) are interconnected and interdependent, and strives to enhance the business model so that it can flourish and thrive to benefit future generations. The college offers a sustainable business minor available to business and nonbusiness majors, a bachelor’s degree in environmental economics and policy, and an MBA concentration in sustainable business. The programs focus on student engagement, research and community involvement. For more information, visit business.appstate.edu/sustainability.