Business students travel to South America to examine sustainability Jul 20, 2018
Eighteen Appalachian State University students visited Brazil, the Amazon Jungle and Rio de Janeiro May 13-May 24, 2018 as part of a Walker...
Faculty, Students, International, Sustainable Business, Front PageWalker College students crew ROSE (Racing on Solar Energy) Jul 10, 2018
Three Walker College of Business students help make up the 2018 crew of Appalachian State University's Cruiser Class solar car ROSE (Racing on...
Students, Dept - ECON, Dept - FIN, Sustainable Business, Front PageKowalczyk and Panwar named co-directors of sustainable business for Walker College of Business Jul 1, 2018
Dr. Tammy Kowalczyk and Dr. Rajat Panwar have been named co-directors of sustainable business for the Walker College of Business...
Faculty, Dept - MGT, Dept - ACC, Walker College News, Sustainable BusinessWIN staff service day proves a win for university community May 22, 2018
Staff at Appalachian State University took to campus grounds recently to paint handrails, remove litter and perform various other tasks as part...
Faculty, Sustainable Business, Service, Front PageAppalachian actuarial science major seizes opportunities ‘with full force’ May 15, 2018
Actuaries provide the statistical probability of an event occurring, so when actuarial science major Malik Hargrave says not to take any...
Dept - FIN, Centers - Brantley Risk and Insurance, Students, Sustainable BusinessInteractive dashboard in Peacock Hall offers insight on energy consumption Apr 30, 2018
An interactive screen in Peacock Hall enables those who work and learn in the building to gain insights about energy consumption.
MBA, Students, Research, Sustainable Business, Front PageSolar charging station ribbon-cutting draws lunchtime crowd at Appalachian’s Peacock Hall Apr 17, 2018
BOONE, N.C. — Around 40 people gathered on the first-floor patio...
Students, Events, Sustainable Business, Front PageMiddle and high school students from surrounding counties to pitch business ideas to earn scholarships to Appalachian Apr 7, 2018
Middle grade and high school students from Ashe, Watauga and Wilkes Counties will pitch their...
Centers - Center for Entrepreneurship, Events, Sustainable Business, Front PageAlumni Spotlight: Ole Mason Jar celebrates five years Apr 4, 2018
Men's clothing and lifestyle brand Ole Mason Jar is officially celebrating five years in business.
Alumni, Sustainable Business, Front Page, Dept - FIN"Alternatives to Today's Capitalism" lunch and learn to be held April 18 Apr 4, 2018
Aldous Huxley once said "Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted."
Faculty, Dept - MGT, Events, Front Page, Sustainable Business, Holshouser