Walker College establishes advisory board to guide sales marketing programs
Feb 6, 2017
The Walker College of Business has developed a sales advisory committee to provide expertise to the developing sales education program, which is house...

Walker College alumnus retires as AHRS CEO, community reflects on local and global impact
Jan 27, 2017
In a recent post from High Country Press, The Heartbeat of High Country Healthcare," the writer details the career and experiences of ...

Sparks receives honorary degree from Appalachian
Jan 20, 2017
ASU NEWS—Among those receiving degrees from Appalachian State University during its Fall Commencement on Dec. 10, 2016, was Richard G. Sparks, presi...

Walker College Business Advisory Council member, alumnus named Lowe's CFO
Jan 17, 2017
Walker College Business Advisory Council member Marshall Croom '86 has been named chief financial officer for Lowe's Companies.Mr. Croom, who pre...

Walker College alumnus will be third person in 61 years to lead North Carolina Bar Association
Dec 14, 2016
A recent article in the North Carolina State Bar Journal details the credentials of Jason Hensley '99 who will become executive director of ...

Walker College alumnus and Appalachian trustee rings opening bell at NASDAQ
Dec 5, 2016
Appalachian State University Trustee Bob Hatley rang the opening bell at the Nasdaq December 5, 2016. Hatley is president and CEO of Pa...

Coopers, Maness receive Honorary Alumni Awards at Appalachian State University
Oct 13, 2016
Appalachian State University presented the Alumni Association’s Honorary Alumni Award to Faye and John Cooper of Valle Crucis and The Honorable Roy ...

Ninety-two percent of Walker College graduates are employed or continuing education six months after commencement
May 26, 2016
Ninety-two percent of Walker College of Business Class of 2015 graduates have successfully reached their first destination, according to statistics co...

Marketing alumnus Jeff Dudan, Founder and CEO of AdvantaClean, to appear on CBS hit Undercover Boss May 29
May 20, 2016
Appalachian State University football player and Walker College of Business Marketing alumnus Jeff Dudan '91, will be featured on the season fina...

Walker College alumnus named president of Burton Snowboards
Feb 1, 2016
John Lacy '97 has been named President of Burlington, Vermont-based Burton Snowboards. Lacy has worked in various roles in the company for over ...