Latest BIG Update includes report from the COVID Classroom, Portfolio Analysis Sep 10, 2020
Appalachian State University's Bowden Investment Group (BIG)...
Students, Dept - FIN, Bowden Investment GroupBarnes student research program is accepting grant applications for academic year 2020-21 Jul 24, 2020
The Walker College of Business at Appalachian State University is accepting grant applications for the 2020-21 academic year.
Students, Research, Front PageSummer internships offer practical experience, even amid global pandemic Jun 30, 2020
The Walker College of Business emphasizes experiential learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, social engagement and value driven innovation...
Students, COVID-19, Front Page, Dept - CIS, Dept - ECON, Dept - FIN, Dept - MGT, Dept - MKT SCMThree students earn scholarships for Master's study in Hong Kong Jun 17, 2020
Even in the face of the global Covid-19 pandemic, the Walker College of Business (WCOB) is pushing forward with one of its stated goals of...
Students, International, Global and Civic EngagementHolland Fellow makes the most of an international experience without travel Jun 1, 2020
When Honors senior, Carlie Smith, was awarded the 2020 William R.
Students, Holland Fellows, International, Dept - ECON, Sustainable BusinessApp State business students and faculty reconfigure Bengaluru, India, study abroad May 26, 2020
While a global pandemic keeps American citizens home, innovative faculty in the Walker College of Business have found a way to show students the...
International, Students, Dept - CIS, MSADA, Front PageTwelve business honors students earn degrees May 19, 2020
Twelve Walker College of Business honors students graduate from Appalachian State University for Spring 2020.
Students, Dept - CIS, Dept - ECON, Dept - FIN, Dept - MGT, Dept - MKT SCM, ResearchWalker College round up: new graduates honored at academic year-end May 19, 2020
"During the novel coronavirus pandemic, as universities across the country deliver course content online, celebrating student achievement remains...
Students, Front PageManagement major selected to speak at Walker College Commencement ceremony May 16, 2020
Sirisha Karra, from Cary, North Carolina, was selected as the Spring 2020 student speaker for the...
Centers - Center for Entrepreneurship, Dept - MGT, Students