Walker College student's research on economic impact of High Country Beer Fest Dec 2, 2015
Walker College student Matthew Drake recently attended the state's Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium in High Point, NC. Drake, a...
Students, Economy, ResearchBusiness students place in International Collegiate Sales Competition Nov 17, 2015
Four Walker College of Business students represented Appalachian at the International Collegiate Sales Competition (ICSC) held Nov. 4-8, 2015 in...
Students, CompetitionFinance Student Association Travels to NYC Oct 30, 2015
The Finance Student Association of Appalachian State University took their annual trip to New York City October 15-18, 2015.
StudentsBeta Alpha Psi earns Superior chapter status Oct 26, 2015
Beta Alpha Psi is an international honorary organization for financial information
StudentsWalker College student named Miss North Carolina 2016 Oct 22, 2015
Allison "Allie" Dunn of Matthews, NC has been named Miss North Carolina USA 2016.
StudentsLessons from Belize Oct 13, 2015
Sometimes learning that you don’t have all of the answers is the most important lesson a service program abroad can teach you. For two recent...
International, Students